Majority of objects left in my grandmother's estate have been systematically stored according to a simple principle: buttons with other buttons, zippers with other zippers, bags with other bags; next to them hats and cut-outs, plastic bags, toys, clothes, nails and strings, boxes and cans, chemicals and children's shoes left behind without a clue to decipher and possibly to categorize them according to recurring theme. As a witness, a regular tic-tac could be heard from their supreme positions on the cupboards and shelves as if nothing happened. During the long dusty journey to the furthest point of the room, a pile of plastic cups appeared in the melange of stuff from time to time, and when the opposite wall was conquered and the oldest newspaper was paired with its companions, the cups were also examined with archaeological precision. Some were covered in soil and had a hole in the bottom, and you could immediately visualise seedlings of peppers and tomatoes in a provisional greenhouse in-between windowpanes and the spring sun and chives and violet leaves and overgrown succulents…